Ethereum nodes

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24, Männlich


Beiträge: 11

Ethereum nodes

von noizee am 29.04.2024 10:19

Hello, please tell me, what types of nodes exist in the Ethereum network, and how do they differ from each other?



31, Männlich


Beiträge: 11

Re: Ethereum nodes

von Koalaoa am 29.04.2024 11:36

There are different types of nodes on the Ethereum network. Full nodes store the complete history of blocks and verify them. Light nodes do not store the entire block history, which reduces resource requirements. Mining nodes are engaged in mining new blocks. Using Getblock, I ran full nodes for complete control over transactions, and also accessed light nodes to quickly check the status of the network. Although I have not personally mined Ethereum, I can use Getblock to monitor mining activity.


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